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Farlingaye High School

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School is the best place for children and young people’s education and well being.


At Farlingaye High School our ethos is that school is the most important place for students to be. In school, in class, on time learning and being with peers. This ethos is embedded in all aspects of school, and we aim to create a positive environment where pupils want to attend, and where parents/carers want their child to be. Parents and carers play a vital role in supporting attendance and working with families is a core part of our work in this area. We believe in positive communication between school, home and the student can make a massive impact. The Farlingaye Attendance Triangle shows this 3-way dialogue.


Any queries, please email our Attendance Officer, Mrs Kim Smith at:

 The Farlingaye Attendance Triangle


Attendance triangle


Attendance Ladder

After the recent disruption we have all had to live with, now more than ever students Attendance Matters. As a school, all our staff will provide the environment, the interventions and support for students to be successful. Attendance is all our responsibility and we want to work together for the benefit of all our young people. 

100 Challenge

Attendance Assemblies