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Farlingaye High School

Applied Science

Applied Science


AQA Level 3 Extended Certificate (360 GLH (TVQ01029)


Qualification type:

Applied General Qualification


Entry criteria (GCSE grades):

4/4 in Science 


Subject description:

Applied Science is a broad-based qualification which gives a general vocational introduction to Science. Candidates can experience the scientific environment through case studies and research in a vocational context. Learners will cover topics such as:

scientific principles associated with the application of Biology, Chemistry and Physics experimental and practical techniques the roles and skills of scientists, and the public and media perception of science


Each unit within the qualification has an applied purpose which acts as a focus for the learning in the unit. It will enable learners to learn in such a way that they gain:

  • skills required for independent learning and development
  • the ability to solve problems
  • the skills of project-based research, development and presentation
  • the ability to apply mathematical and ICT skills


Year 12 units studied:

Three mandatory units:

  • Key concepts in science – written exam
  • Applied experimental techniques – portfolio
  • Science in the modern world – written exam with pre-release material


It is possible to certificate at the end of Year 12 with a Level 3 Certificate in Applied Science.


Year 13 units studied:

Two mandatory units plus an optional one:

  • The human body – written exam
  • Investigating science – portfolio
  • Optional unit on Microbiology, Medical Physics or
  • Organic Chemistry - portfolio


How the course is assessed:

Portfolio work 50% (33% in Year 12 and 66% in Year 13), written exams 50% (66% in Year 12 and 33% in Year 13) The course is graded using the Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction* system. The Extended Certificate is equivalent to one GCE A Level, and the course carries UCAS points.


Post-18 opportunities:

Progression to science-related courses in further or higher education,  including  healthcare professions, biotechnology fields, forensics and many more.


Teacher responsible: Mr T Moore.