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Farlingaye High School

Computer Science

Computer Science




Qualification type:

A Level


Entry criteria (GCSE grades):

5 in Computer Science (or a 4 in Maths if Computer Science not taken).


Subject description:

Computational thinking is at the core of Computer Science. It allows us to model problems in ways that enable us to develop effective solutions using skills like abstraction, inference and algorithm design. Students choosing our Computer Science A Level qualifications will be well prepared to take on the challenges of the modern world – a world in which the need for problem- solvers able to meet these challenges head-on is paramount.


Units studied:

Component 1 Paper - 40%

  • The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
  • Software and software development
  • Exchanging data
  • Data types, data structures and algorithms
  • Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues

Component 2 Paper - 40%

  • Elements of computational thinking
  • Problem solving and programming
  • Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithm

How the course is assessed:

80% written examinations, 20% coursework


Post-18 opportunities:

Computer Science students are equally well equipped to move into either higher education or employment. Apart from the Computer Science-based degrees, some degrees in Physics, Engineering, Maths can be combined with Computer Science and a head start can be vital. Opportunities after university for computer scientists and computer  programmers are as great as is the penetration  of computing  technology  into  modern

21st-century society.


Teacher responsible: Mr M Smith.