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Farlingaye High School

Computer Science & ICT

Key Stage 3

At KS3 all students have a 100 minute lesson every two weeks.  These lessons focus on building computer science based skills, inline with the new Key Stage 3 computing curriculum. We aim to offer a high-quality education that equips pupils for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. Pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.

The Secondary National Curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils

  • Can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

During KS3 students will undertake a number of projects including;

Year 7:

1.  Using computers safely, effectively and responsibly.


2.  Visual programming in Scratch.


3.  Animation

Year 8:

 1. Spreadsheets


 2.  Physical Programming with Micro:Bits


 3.  Sound and Video Editing

Year 9:

 1.  User Interfaces


 2.  Python Programming


 3.  Graphics

Key Stage 4

At KS4 we offer a Computer Science course and an IT Course that students can opt to take.

Computer Science:

We follow the OCR GCSE Computer Science (9-1) qualification. 100% exam 

This course looks at how computers, networks and programs works and takes a ’behind the scenes’ look at computers. We will investigate different programming languages and write programs to solve tasks. You will find out how computers really work and what is Binary code? Do you know how to think like a computer?

This is a subject that requires good maths skills , for example part of the theory paper looks at converting positive denary whole numbers into 8-bit binary numbers and vice versa. Also adding binary integers and converting positive denary whole numbers. The coursework is logic based and students who have good mathematical and analytical skills would do well on this course.

Specification Link

BTEC Digital Information Technology:

This is a GCSE equivalent course offered by the Pearson exam board.

60% Coursework and 40% exam

Digital Media is a key part of many areas of our everyday lives and vital to the UK economy. Production of digital media products is a requirement of almost every business so there is huge demand for a skilled and digitally literate workforce. This qualification will help students develop specific and transferable skills such as research, planning, and review, working with others and communicating creative concepts. The qualification’s hands-on approach has strong relevance to the way young people use the technology required in creative media. The Coursework units cover User Interfaces and Spreadsheets.

Specification Link

Key Stage 5

Again at KS5 we offer both a Computer Science option and an IT one.

Computer Science

We follow the OCR GCE Specification for this course and is a Linear A Level course.

80% exam with 2 exam papers 

  • Component 1 Computer Systems
  • Component 2 Algorithms and programming
  • 20% NEA - Design and Create a Computer Game

Computational thinking is at the core of Computer Science. It allows us to model problems in ways that enable us to develop effective solutions using skills like abstraction, inference and algorithm design. Students choosing our Computer Science A-level qualifications will be well-prepared to take on the challenges of the modern world. A world in which the impact of computing on all individuals and groups will continue to increase and the need for problem-solvers able to meet these challenges head-on is paramount.

Specification Link

Pearson Level 3 BTEC in IT

This is an A Level equivalent course and is worth the same UCAS points as any other A Level course.

50% Exam and 50% Coursework

This course is for highly motivated students who want to develop the knowledge and skills needed to become a competent ICT user. The qualification is more practical than a traditional A-level and the skills acquired will support further study towards an application development route in IT.  Over the course of the two years’ students undertake three pieces of coursework the focus being on the practical solutions. The world is increasingly reliant on applications that help individuals, business and organisations achieve specific activities or purposes. 

Specification Link