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Farlingaye High School

PRE (Philosophy, Religion & ethics)


Exam Board

 OCR A Level:  


Key Stage 3

At KS3, all students follow a common Humanities programme, consisting of discrete lessons in PRE, History and Geography; PRE has 1 x 100 minutes per fortnight; both History and Geography have 2 x 100 minutes per fortnight.

The PRE course follows the Suffolk locally agreed syllabus, with much individual input and creativity from staff.  At Farlingaye, Years 7, 8 and 9 study a distinct theme each term. This broadly reflects the 3 key areas of the subject focusing on Philosophy in term 1, Religion in term 2 and Ethics in term 3. Despite this, all 3 areas of the courses are covered discreetly across all lessons where possible.

Term 1 - Philosophy Term 2 - Religion Term 3 - Ethics


Literacy Focus:  SPaG

Who am I? Festivals How should we treat the environment?


Literacy Focus: 

Key Terminology

Arguments surrounding the existence of God Significant Religious Leaders Rights;  Human and Animal


Term 1 - Ethics Term 2 - Philosophy Term 3 - Religion


Literacy Focus:  Persuasive Language

Matters of life and death The problem of Evil Religious persecution

 Staff are encouraged to develop and share teaching resources.


This GCSE explores two of the largest six main faiths; Christianity and Islam and how they respond to various world-wide issues.

Year 10 is the study of Christian and Islamic belief and practises.  A brief rundown is:

  1. Christian Beliefs- nature of God, creation, Jesus, after life.
  2. Christian Practices– baptism, holy communion, charitable work, evangelism.
  3. Islamic Beliefs- nature of God, afterlife, Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad
  4. Islamic Practices– The 5 pillars, Jihad and festivals

Year 11 is the application of Christianity and Islam to 4 ethical themes:

We look at how the faiths respond to the following:

  1. Relationships and families – human sexuality, marriage, divorce, nature of families. .
  2. Religion and Life – origins of the universe and the world, treatment of the planet, abortion and euthanasia
  3. Crime and Punishment– attitudes to and treatment of criminals, forgiveness, the death penalty
  4. Peace and conflict – reasons for war, holy war, pacifism

You will sit two 1-hour and 45-minute exams. One exam is what you will study in Year 10 and the second is what you study in Year 11.

A Level

PDF icon  A Level Philosopy, Ethics and the Study of Religion