Key Stage 3
In years 7 and 8 students are taught in mixed ability tutor groups. The Science curriculum has been designed to inspire curiosity and a love of Science as well as building confidence in practical skills through a series of topics based on key questions such as “could we live on another planet?” or “what am I made of?”. All topics promote attributes such as resilience and imagination with an emphasis on the links between Science and our experience of the world as well as an appreciation of how the transferable skills learned in Science relate to a range of careers options. Year 9 begin to follow the AQA Science GCSE course with a view to opting for either AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) or the AQA Separate Sciences in Year 10.
If you would like to know more: KS3 Science Curriculum Summary
Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11 are following either AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) or the AQA Separate Sciences. The Combined Science students have 6 lessons a fortnight in banded groups whilst the Separate scientists groups are mixed ability and have 9 Science lessons a fortnight. A typical year group has two Separate Science groups and four Combined Science groups on each side of the year.
If you would like to know more: KS4 Learning Journey
A Level
We boast a strong take up of Science courses in the sixth form. We offer A level courses in AQA Biology, OCR Chemistry A and OCR Physics A as well as AQA Level 3 certificate and extended certificate in Applied Science. All groups are taught by experienced subject specialists and, whilst many of our students progress to Science-related FE courses, all our post 16 courses promote a range of transferable skills essential for a wide range of careers opportunities.
Beyond the Curriculum
Science Club is run by our Sixth Form students for our lower school students. Sessions run during Autumn and Spring term, on Tuesday lunchtimes in S3. We cover a range of activities and offer rewards to students who come on a regular basis. Science club is open to students of all abilities, all you need is a little enthusiasm for the subject and curiosity!
The Green council meet on a weekly basis in S7A for any year group to attend with an interest in nature. Past activities have included a trip to British Trust for Ornithology, mammal trapping, bird ringing and monitoring our bird boxes.
Student Support Beyond the Classroom
The faculty makes extensive use of the school's SharePoint to support student's learning beyond the lessons and students can access this in school and at home. Please click HERE to go to the Science Subject page on SharePoint.
If you have any queries regarding Science at Farlingaye, please contact either or
Exam board
AQA A Level Biology: | AQA GCSE Biology: |
OCR A Level Chemistry: | AQA GCSE Chemistry: |
OCR A Level Physics: | AQA GCSE Physics: |
AQA GCSE Combined Science: |