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Farlingaye High School


Design & Technology Options Presentation


Exam Board

Eduqas A Level Product Design:

NCFE Level 1 Food and Cooking

AQA Food Preparation


Pearson GCSE Textiles:

Key Stage 3

Throughout KS3, students have the opportunity to experience a wide range of material areas via a carousel system.

Year 7 and 8

Students spend 9 week blocks in the following areas. 

Resistant Materials

Sweet dispenser (Basic hand skill and machinery – problem solving).

Metal Jewellery casting and light sensing display unit (Pewter casting, introduction to PCBs and plastics)


Physical programming of robots.

Graphic with Systems

 2D and 3D CAD/CAM.  3D Printing.


 Batik pencil cases - Introduction to Textiles techniques.


Healthy Snack foods - Salads, Fruity Seed bar, Dips, Crumble, Healthy breakfast  muffin, Fruit salad, Pizza.  Staple foods - Pasta, Bread, Risotto, Brownie, Wedges, Frittata.

Year 9

Students spend the first term in a subject taster carousel, before opting for their 3 favourite subjects for the remainder of the year.

Resistant Materials

Architectural Lamp.  (CAD/CAM and Electronics)


Python Coding

Graphic with Systems

Promoting high profile events.


Drawstring bags using tie-dyeing & block print inspired by geometric shapes.


Advanced cooking skills.

Key Stage 4 Syllabus (Outline)

All students have the opportunity to choose a GCSE Technology subject from the following:- Level 1 Food and Cooking, GCSE Design and Technology, GCSE Textiles and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.

GCSE Design and Technology

GCSE Design and Technology will take everything you have learnt in Technology to a more advanced level.  If you enjoyed creating design ideas, researching into products, building and testing models and producing a final product then GCSE DT is for you.  We are looking for hardworking, enthusiastic students who want to achieve.

You will be able to choose to complete this course looking at Graphics with Systems and Control or Resistant Materials.

In year 10 you will look at and investigate different material areas to gain a practical and theoretical knowledge. You will use a variety of hand tools as well as CAD software and CAM equipment such as laser cutters and 3D printers.

If you choose Graphics with Systems and Control you will look at circuitry, Graphical communication and packaging, designing and creating things such as amplifiers.

If you choose Resistant Materials you will investigate different materials areas, traditional and modern manufacturing techniques and design and make things such as lamps.

The majority of Year 11 is dedicated to competing your NEA

NEA (non-exam assessment)

The NEA is 50% of the final GCSE mark.

This project is completed between summer of Year 10 and spring terms of Year 11.  In this you will pick a suitable product to design and make using a variety of materials, tools and skills.  At the end of the course you should be left with a professionally finished product and a supporting evidence folder of around 20-30 pages.


Throughout the course you will be assessed on a range of tasks, both practical and theoretical. 

NEA—50% of the total marks.

Written Examination (50% of the total marks) - at the end of the course the exam will test your theoretical knowledge of Design and Technology.

GCSE Textiles


Students in Year 10 and Year 11 are taught a broad range of skills through the delivery of workshops and projects that promote the use research, investigation and creativity. These cover everything from fashion Design and garment construction, digital textiles and fabric design, soft furnishings and stitched or embellished textiles. Drawing is a key element to the course, from initial visual research, recording from primary and secondary sources, through to the translation of ideas into finished designs. Students will experiment with drawings, quick sketches, view finders, fashion illustrations, models, paper pattern development, photographs, CAD and painted/printed/stitched practical work. A number to trips are organised at points throughout the year to help students gather inspiration.

We follow the Edexcel exam board syllabus for Fashion and Textile Design where students work towards one thematic response coursework project, a mock exam taken and a final external assessment. Students complete a sketchbook portfolio alongside each project and create a final piece at the end, which are assessed at the end of Year 11. At the end of the year students create a display of their work in the form of an exhibition to celebrate their achievements.

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition


This new GCSE consists of two units including 2 controlled assessment tasks and a written exam.

Component 1: Written exam (1 hour 45 Minutes) 50% of GCSE

Component 2: 2 NEA assessment tasks direct by the examination board (1 x 15%, 1 x 35%)

The coursework project will involve researching, analysing, writing specifications, designing and making a practical range of products.

The written paper tests the knowledge of materials and processes and Food Science.

Curriculum detail:

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition consists of two units including two controlled assessment tasks and a written exam.


It will allow you to develop and extend your skills, demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning, preparing and cooking a variety of food commodities whilst using different cooking techniques and equipment.


Knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical characteristics of food as well as a sound knowledge of the nutritional content of food and drinks.


Understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the physiological and psychological effects of poor diet and health, the economic, environmental, ethical and socio-cultural influences on food availability.


Production processes, diet and health choices, functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities.


Microbiological food safety considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food, this means that everything you do will be directly linked to working in any aspect of the Catering industry e.g. - Chef , restaurant manager to Food Scientist.


It is also a great GCSE to teach you life skills for your future, developing not only your cooking skills, but also a wide range of key skills such as research, planning and evaluation, numeracy, literacy and ICT skills.

Summary of the topics you will cover

The Industry:


Food and commodities, principles of nutrition, diet and good health, the effect of cooking food, where food comes from, cooking and preparation and the development of recipes and ideas.


Job roles, employment and training, Health, safety, hygiene and legislation covering these areas, Methods of cooking, Culinary terms, Presentation of food, Nutrition, including healthy eating, special diets. Menu planning, Costing and portion control, Specialist equipment and the use of, Communication and record keeping, Environmental considerations, Food packaging.

Skills required

Positive emphasis on scientific research, practical skills and learning through practical work. Organisation, ability to follow a recipe, numeracy, literacy, ICT, independence. Research, planning and evaluation through written work.

BBC Food Techniques:

A LEVEL: Design And Technology: Product Design

product design

AQA Product Design

Design and Technology at ‘A’ level allows students the opportunity to exercise their initiative, imagination and resourcefulness in real world design problems.

Throughout Year 12, students will expand their understanding of product design through hands on units with in-built theory content. Each unit is designed to provide opportunities for high quality outcomes with new key skills learnt and prior skills further developed.

A selection of Yr 12 units include:

-        Metals: Turning a coin into a ring through heat treatment

-        Plastics: Develop a design on CAD to 3D print bike parts

-        Woods: Develop a children’s learning toy in a practice coursework scenario

-        Environment: Consider how future generations of designers can work together to avoid impacting negatively on our planet

-        CAM: Design and laser cut a slot together animal

-        Internal Assessment: Learn the structure and language of DT examinations

Year 13 is spent undertaking an independent project called the NEA. This is an opportunity for students to put into practice skills learnt to research, design, develop and make a product to meet the needs of others.

The knowledge, understanding and skills gained from this course are of great benefit to candidates pursuing further studies, in their personal lives, and in the world of work.

On successful completion of the course the qualification is particularly appropriate for entry into Higher Education & apprenticeships. Many students go on to study Product Design, Interior Design, Architecture, Engineering (civil, automotive, aeronautical etc.)

Course assessment:

NEA task = 50%

Exam paper = 50%

Post-18 opportunities:

On successful completion of the course the qualification is particularly appropriate for entry into Higher Education, notably design-based courses. It will also give you an advantage if you are considering entering the workplace for the first time.

Extra curricular activities

In technology we offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activities for students of all ages. Here is a small sample of what we have on offer:

·        TeenTech Awards

·        Threads club

·        Programming club

·        3D printing club

·        Rotary  Chef completions

We also have great links with local companies such as architect firms, publishers, fashion designers, catering companies and engineering firms. All have offered their services in the past to run enrichment days or visits and in the case of Brafe engineering, a link up project resulting in them manufacturing an A-level students’ work.