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Farlingaye High School

Design and Technology

Design and Tech




Entry criteria (GCSE grades):

5 in Design and Technology


Subject description:

Design and Technology at A level allows you the opportunity to exercise your initiative, imagination and resourcefulness in the examination of design problems. It is intended that this course should provide an interesting and stimulating subject for study. Whilst the content is not seen primarily as vocational, the knowledge, understanding and skills gained are likely to be of great benefit to candidates pursuing further studies, in their personal lives, and in the world of work.


This course investigates all disciplines of Design and Technology, although it is not suitable for those students looking to study a fashion or textiles career.

Students will benefit from comprehensive CAD/CAM facilities allowing up-to-date skill development in 3D printing, laser cutting and 3D drawings.  


Students need to have competent ICT, numeracy and literacy skills to succeed in this subject. Ideally grade 5 or above in these areas. 

Units studied:


NEA coursework Design and make task - 50%

Exam Paper 1 - 50%

Post-18 opportunities:

On successful completion of the course the qualification is particularly appropriate for entry into Higher Education, notably design-based courses. Product Design, Graphics, Computer-aided Design, etc.  It will also give you an advantage if you are considering entering the workplace for the first time, through apprenticeship schemes


Teacher responsible: Mr B Hawtin, Mr A Wetherell and Mrs J Gordon