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Farlingaye High School

Endeavour Group

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Endeavour Policy


At Farlingaye High School provision for all students is to be as inclusive as possible and seek to provide for the needs of students through appropriate differentiation, and extension opportunities developed and delivered through the mainstream curriculum. It is important to recognise that all children, not just the most able, will benefit from good practice in teaching and learning, from effective differentiation, from assessment for learning and appropriate study support. It will be the responsibility of each faculty to provide appropriate challenge for high-attaining pupils within their areas.

Ofsted make it very clear that pupils will be judged on their progress from their starting points, and it is our role to ensure that able pupils who make faster progress than others have planned meaningful opportunities to deepen and expand their knowledge. Part of our responsibility is to provide opportunities for students to experience their next steps in learning including aspiring University applicants, apprenticeship opportunities and access to real word work sector challenges.

As part of our vision at Farlingaye High School, our aim is to enable students a pathway to merit their way onto the Endeavour programme as set out below. Students should learn appropriate skills and attitudes to aid their development and not just rely on academic ability.


As of 2016 students identified will be entered onto one list called the Farlingaye Endeavour Programme:


  • Endeavour students are those who have the ability and attitudes to excel across a range of academic subjects, with abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group. They display characteristics of explorative thinking, perseverance and motivation.



    In order to identify the Endeavour students as they arrive at Farlingaye, in Year 7 the following criteria will be used from KS2:

    • Attitude to learning level in year 7 report 1
    • English Reading Score (100+)
    • Mathematic Score (100+)
    • GPV (100+)
    • English Writing (GDS – Working at a greater depth)


      This is used to compile a list of approximately 10% of students across each year group.

      From this point students can be added to the Endeavour programme via their efforts and successes at Farlingaye. As each student progresses each year at Farlingaye, a review of students’ progress will be used to determine if they should be added to the Endeavour list. Criteria for this will come from report data using the transition matrix feature on 4Matrix to assess those who have made Above Expected Progress in the core subjects of Maths, English and Science.


This list is shared with all staff and entered onto SIMS, and will be used to monitor and track progress of these students across all subjects after each report cycle at whole school level.


In the summer term, years 7 & 8 Endeavour groups will have the opportunity to attend a 6 weekly club with the overall theme of Zombie Survival. Each week students will partake in a STEM subject related activity to further their own knowledge of this vibrant subject area. These will be light-hearted sessions which will be mindful of the recent Covid outbreak.


In these sessions students will have the opportunity to develop their personal skills set with team working, creative problem solving, communication and investigation.


For more details on this club, please use the link below for the introduction letter.

Monitoring, intervention and opportunities for the Endeavour programme fall under the responsibility of the following:


* Endeavour Programme Lead Coordinator - Dr T Harrison

* Endeavour Programme Assistant Co-ordinator – Mr A Wetherell

Throughout the academic year opportunities for our most capable learners will present themselves across all subject ranges. Most of these will be communicated directly by subject teachers to those who it involves.


Below is an overview of significant events running specifically for Endeavour students for each year group.


Year 7:

TeenTech city of tomorrow challenge. Involves teams designing homes suitable to face global challenges of the near future. Students then model these designs to present to parents/carers and professionals for judging. All receive certificates for their efforts with a number of winning teams receiving a prize trip.


TeenTech Showcase. This trip for the wining teams of the city of tomorrow challenge, typically takes place at the Emirates Stadium in London. Here students will have interactive sessions run by industry experts to promote further interest in STEM subjects with potential career routes. A fun filled day which is of a high quality.


Year 8 and 9:

TeenTech Awards. A competition which can be entered individually, pair or a small team. There are several themes available in which students need to identify a problem to solve. These can range from Fashion, Medicine to Engineering. Students will be mentored throughout their project with emphasis on building skills that allow students to be independent thinkers who can present work competently. All those who enter receive a Bronze, Silver or Gold award and will be considered for the national finals.

We at FHS have had amazing success in these awards, regularly taking multiple teams to the national finals and wining outright categories. The winners then proceeded to a prestigious awards ceremony which in the past has included being held at Buckingham Palace.


Thinkers in Education.

We have now established an annual visit by the wonderful TiE team who provide quality STEM related days following a variety of high octane themes. In the past students have had to survive a mission to Mars and create a new colony to thrive. TiE visit schools across the world and have fully trained staff to deliver these exciting days. Schools have their scores recorded and we at FHS regularly make it into the top 10 lists of all time.



As well as the above KS3 can expect to be invited on trips to organisations such as BT. These trips often have very restrictive numbers so will either be targeted at certain students or be a first come first serve basis. In the past we have been fortunate to visit the Microsoft headquarters in the UK, BT sports studios in London and various Universities. If you have contacts which could potentially allow for FHS students to visit sites of interest we would very much welcome your call or email.



At KS4 students will have less time consuming Endeavour opportunities as they focus on GCSE and equivalent studies. We do however strive to highlight aspiring career paths and in doing so run trips designed to raise aspirations and provide information relevant to the Endeavour group. As with above these trips will be reduced numbers and students will be contacted where and when relevant.