Ethos and Aspirations
At Farlingaye we aim to provide a school environment which is welcoming and supportive and to create a caring, working atmosphere which will enable students to reach their full potential intellectually, spiritually, ethically and physically.
Farlingaye recognises the im-portance of the individual, values all its students equally and strives to ensure that they have the opportunity to experience success. We publicly acknowledge their achievements with pride.
Farlingaye fosters good relationships between students, parents, staff, governors and the wider community. Community development is a strong feature of our work . We expect a high standard of behaviour and aim to encourage a sense of responsibility in our students, not only for themselves, but towards everyone with whom they are in contact. All staff are committed to improving the quality of learning for all students within a framework which recognises the uniqueness of the individual and the interdependence of all. We seek to prepare all our students for the future beyond the school years.
We have high expectations of all our students, both academically and socially. We encourage co-operation, mutual respect and sensitivity towards others regardless of their race, gender or age and aim to develop a concern for the environment. Students are encouraged to cultivate a positive attitude to personal study and regular homework.
Code of Conduct
In Farlingaye we believe everyone has the following rights:-
the right to be safe; the right to learn; the right to be treated with respect.
The one rule which applies to all of us in school is: Everyone will act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times. |
This means that:
1. You always try to understand the other person’s point of view.
This means you should have tolerance of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, regardless of gender, race, disability or age. You avoid upsetting other people verbally, physically or through technology.
2. In class you always ensure that others have the right to learn.
This means:
- prompt arrival at the start of each lesson with everything you need;
- beginning and ending the lesson in a courteous and orderly way;
- listening carefully and following instructions;
- helping each other when appropriate;
- being quiet and sensible at all times.
3. You move quietly around the school.
This means:
- keeping to the left in corridors and on stairs;
- being ready to help others by opening doors, offering to carry things and letting others pass;
- never running, barging or shouting;
- queuing sensibly and quietly at the Bus Park.
4. You always speak politely to everyone.
This means:
- saying "Yes, Sir" or "Yes, Miss" when the register is being called;
- saying "Please" and "Thank you" when asking for something;
- avoiding shouting as it is always discourteous.
5. You keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place of which we can all be proud.
This means:
- putting all litter in the bins even when it doesn’t belong to you;
- looking after the rooms by keeping walls and furniture clean and unmarked;
- taking particular care of wall displays;
- taking care not to damage the trees and plants in the grounds.
6. Out of school.
Walking locally, travelling on the bus or out with a school group, you always remember that the school’s reputation depends on the way you behave.