Exam Results 2024
Key Headlines: KS4
English 4+ English 5+ |
76.07% 58.03% |
Maths 4+ Maths 5+ |
77.70% 52.46% |
1 Science 4+ 2 Sciences 4+ 3 Sciences 4+ Bio/Chem/Phys 4+ |
67.54% 66.23% 24.26% 19.34% |
1MFL 4+ 2MFL 4+ |
24.26% 1.97% |
English and Maths 4+ English and Maths 5+ |
70% 51% |
Baccalaureate entries Baccalaureate Standard Pass Baccalaureate Strong Pass |
18.03% 15.08% 10.82% |
To view further details of the GCSE results, please click on the links below:
Farlingaye GCSE Results 2022-2024
Key Headlines: KS5
A* - A Grades |
19.69% |
A* - B Grades |
46.20% |
A* - C Grades |
69.27% |
A* - D Grades |
86.17% |
A* - E Grades |
98.53% |
61.75% of all students achieved 3+ full A Level passes
88.52% of all students achieved 2+ full A Level passes.
19 students achieved grades AAB or Better, with 2 or more of their subjects class as 'Facilitating Subjects'.
To view further details of the A Level results, please click here: KS5 Results