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Farlingaye High School

Health and Social Care


BTEC National Level 3 Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care


Qualification type:

BTEC Qualification, equivalent to A Level


Entry criteria (GCSE grades):

If Health & Social Care has been studied a Merit (or equivalent), if it was not studied a 4 in English Language is necessary.


Subject description:

This two-year qualification, offered at four-unit level, gives a broad vocational introduction to Health & Social Care. Students are actively encouraged to experience not only the theoretical aspects detailed below, but also to make use of case studies to apply theory to real life cases and perform their own research to help with assignments.


What will students learn?

Year 12:

  • Human Lifespan Development - External examination
  • Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs - Internal portfolio


Year 13:

  • Working in Health and Social Care - External examination
  • Physiological Disorders - Internal portfolio


How is the qualification assessed?


A combination of portfolio and external assessment is used, with external examiners verifying the quality of the internal portfolio assignments.  There are two external examinations, one in each year, which total 58% of the final grade.  The internal portfolio assignments are mostly completed within lesson time, allowing students to be supported in finishing them to the best of their ability.  The overall grading is either Distinction, Merit or Pass level which each have an equivalent A Level grade and UCAS points.


Post-18 opportunities

Further studies in Higher Education on such courses as Social Work, Criminology, Midwifery, Clinical Psychology, Radiography, Nursery, Mental Health or Adult Nursing, are all possible routes to take. Apprenticeships within the Health & Social Care are also popular choices.


Teacher responsible: Ms R Scales