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Farlingaye High School

Disadvantaged Students (Pupil Premium)

Pupil Premium 2

The Pupil Premium budget at Farlingaye is used to benefit student learning and well being in order to improve progress and academic success. In order to facilitate this funding is distributed to appropriate cost centres, e.g. SEND, staffing, student rewards, etc. so that the money can be best allocated to have maximum impact.

A range of interventions at Farlingaye have benefited from the pupil premium funding and some have been able to be implemented because of this funding. Details of our pupil premium offer can be found in the policy link on our website.

Funding is currently used to support the following:

  • 1 to 1 and small group tuition in Maths, English and Science
  • Payment for curriculum experiences, e.g. field trips, seminars, etc.
  • Revision sessions for Year 11, including the revision days
  • Exam equipment and revision materials
  • Homework clubs
  • Additional LSAs for the Learning support Faculty
  • Uniform allowance
  • Music lessons
  • Access to specialist support at the discretion of the Headteacher
  • Study Skills Workshops and support
  • 1:1 and small group mentoring
  • Online tutoring sessions
  • Attendance support
  • Support for extra-curricular clubs across the school

To apply online for Free School Meals, click on the link below.

No one intervention can provide the answer to improving progress and it is the combination of support available which benefits the students. At Farlingaye we employ a range of support mechanisms in order to optimise the engagement and success of all the students and to promote their well being. Students at Farlingaye are encouraged to participate in a wide range of systems which have been put in place specifically to support their success and the students who attract Pupil Premium funding are encouraged to make use of these opportunities, with some funding being used to remove obstacles to this success and/or participation. The range of support available for academic, social and mental well being recognises the nature of our student body, the rural nature of our catchment area and the personal needs of each student.

Since the introduction of the Pupil Premium our students have benefited from the interventions on offer, with many making the most of the additional funding in order to extend their understanding and enjoyment of the opportunities available. Students have all met personal targets and gained confidence from this success. However the gap between those students who have encountered some disadvantage in the past and those who have not remains a concern.

Information detailing this data is available here, however in terms of the new Progress 8 measure this targeted group of students is recognised to have made progress above the governments expectations.

The interventions we have in place aim to narrow this gap while taking care to ensure all our students receive excellent teaching and the support each needs.

Together with our parents we recognise that the following help to support students who have experienced some disadvantage:

  • Speaking every day to the students about how their day has gone and showing a genuine interest
  • Talking to your child about their work. The areas they are particularly interested in, the themes which they find difficult, and discussing these. Encouraging students to identify specific areas they find hard helps them to articulate these needs to their teachers and so get the specific help they need.
  • Checking what homework they have and encouraging them to do this at a sensible time. Building in some time each night to fit in other commitments such as cadets or youth club, or just time relaxing watching TV. Talk through the homework to help the student to frame what they need to do and break it into small manageable tasks.
  • When exams and assessments are on the horizon, talk to your child about how they are feeling, give them lots of encouragement and help them to organise themselves. Plan revision and relaxation time; make sure they are studying all subjects and not just the ones they like! Ask them about the themes and topics they have revised and show a genuine interest in what they tell you. You could even revise with them, asking them flash card questions, quizzing them on key terms and dates, etc. All this shows you are backing them up and care.
  • Encourage your child to attend school. Missing lessons is one of the greatest causes of under achievement, and while we all know children get ill, trying to catch-up is always difficult and places a student under additional pressure. Research shows that attendance under 95% has a direct impact on a student’s achievement and this is why the school write to alert you to this figure. However together we can support a student who is struggling to come to school to overcome their worries and to achieve success.
  • If you have worries and concerns then contact the school. Your child’s Head of Year will be able to answer most of your queries and if not then be able to put you in touch with the most suitable person quickly.
  • Finally showing that we as adults are interested, perceptive and curious demonstrates these life skills to our young people. Discussing news, politics, celebrities, in fact anything helps the students to make sense of the world in which they live. Reading for fun, listening to current affairs and showing that it matters to us to be informed has a great influence on our children. In fact being role models for our children, showing them that we have high expectations and aspirations for them and ourselves.

To view the Ofsted School Data Dashboard, please click here.

PDF icon  FHS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
PDF icon  Pupil Premium Policy
PDF icon  Pupil Premium Action Plan 2023-24
PDF icon  The impact of Pupil Premium spending on student outcomes in 2022-2023
PDF icon  Pupil Premium Reading Champions
PDF icon  Pupil Premium Summary 2021-2022