School Information Regulations 2012
In line with the statutory changes with regards to information that the School must now include on it's website from September 2012, we have amalgamated this information in one place for ease of access.
We have high expectations of our students and want every one of them to reach out and do their best. Our staff encourage academic excellence and support all students as they achieve success in all aspects of school life. We believe Farlingaye students have an entitlement to a top quality education and opportunities and in return, we expect them to work hard and value others. As a Specialist Status School and a Leading Edge School, we can offer exciting and innovative opportunities across all aspects of teaching and learning.
Farlingaye High School
Ransom Road
IP12 4JX
If you have any queries, please contact Mr Peter Smith Head Teacher on 01394 385720.
At Farlingaye we aim to provide a school environment which is welcoming and supportive and to create a caring, working atmosphere which will enable students to reach their full potential intellectually, spiritually, ethically and physically. Farlingaye recognises the importance of the individual, values all its students equally and strives to ensure that they have the opportunity to experience success. We publicly acknowledge their achievements with pride.
Please see our dedicated admissions page here.
Data and Ofsted
A link to the most recent Ofsted report can be viewed here.
The school's most recent Key Stage 4 results as published in the school performance tables on the DfE website. Parents can access the school performance tables from the DfE website.
Curriculum and Qualifications
Information on subjects that are taught within the School can be viewed here.
Behaviour Policy
The measure determined by the Head Teacher under Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.
The policy can be viewed here.
Pupil Premium
For details, please click here.
A report from the governing body on special educational needs, including admissions of SEN pupils and access facilities can be viewed here.