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Farlingaye High School

Literacy at Farlingaye

Our Ethos


Around the school, we aim to work together to promote a love of reading.


We understand that some students may need support, guidance and encouragement with reading, therefore as a school we are invested in exciting initiatives such as;  ‘Book Buzz,’ dedicated library lessons and lunch clubs, a Reading Champion Scheme and inspiring students involvement with local and national competitions.


We strongly believe that reading has the ability to shape students futures; aid progress across the curriculum and allows them to express themselves wherever life takes them.


Your Literacy links here at Farlingaye are; Mrs A Silvester – Head of English and Mrs S Deverson-Dean – Reading Champion Coordinator

Reading is the gateway


Summer Reading Challenge


Literacy Week - Non-fiction November


Christmas Reading List 2024

RC Logo 


Selected students from years 7, 8 and 9 receive additional Literacy input both in small groups and individually by Mrs Deverson-Dean, Reading Champion Coordinator. These take place during Tutor Time and scheduled appointments throughout the week. Pupils are selected on the basis of prior attainment and teacher recommendation and are also assessed regularly using Literacy Assessment Online. Students work through bespoke schemes of work and are regularly assessed to track their progress in the fluency of their writing and their comprehension of texts.


How can I encourage my child to read?


Reading is the single most effective way to improve students’ overall progress and performance. Once question we are frequently asked by parents is how they can encourage their child to read.

While this might occasionally pose more of an issue than it did when your child was a toddler, it is not impossible. Often, students simply need to find texts which speak to them. Curiosity is key.

The link below provides a few ideas you might like to try:

How to encourage your child to read


Reading Lists:


Publication Reading List KS3


Publication Reading List KS4

Literacy Corner



Our new Year 7 cohort were gifted a book to read during the summer as part of our Fifty at Farlingaye launch. Our aim is for every Farlingaye student to read at least 50 books during their time with us. We know, from research, that reading is the best way to make progress in all subject areas and we are committed to helping students achieve this goal.

Here’s what Year 7 thought of Wrath by Marcus Sedgwick:

Corey Tobin – What I liked about Wrath was that it was based in Lockdown so we could all related. I loved that it was focused on how we need to help the planet and take more care with our actions.


Flora Houchell – It’s an interesting book because it is about what happened to all of us during Covid. It introduces friendships that are dimmed by Lockdown, but it has a mystery, too; that’s what really grips you!

Students have been sent a link via email to the Blue Peter Book Badge application form, but I have also attached it here for all students who would like to apply.  Blue Peter Book badge | Find out how to earn the Book BP badge - CBBC - BBC There are paper copies of the form available in school and we are happy to post them, too! Keep an eye out for our Recommended Reading Lists which will be out soon!


Happy reading!

Mrs Deverson-Dean

Whole School Literacy Lead  

 'Just black marks against a white page, but if you put them in the right order, you can make extraordinary things happen in someone else's head, across thousands of miles, across thousands of years and in complete silence' 


Simon Armitage 

"Anything that moves me, I carry and tell"

Clare Muireann Murphy, Professional Storyteller


‘Books open your mind, broaden your mind and strengthen you as nothing else can.’

William Feather