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Farlingaye High School

Recycled Uniform

We offer recycled items of uniform, in good, clean condition.

Orders can be placed by completing our online form.


The Online Uniform Shop is open during term time only.


Please select the products you would like to order and click submit.  Please make sure you provide full details of the size you require.  Payment can be made by cash or on Parent Pay.


All products are subject to availability as we are unable to monitor stock levels.


Orders will be prepared as quickly as possible.  However, orders make take longer to prepare during busy periods.


Once your products are ready for collection from Reception or awaiting payment on Parent Pay, you will receive an email.


Please wait for a confirmation email before coming into school to collect your items.


Please do not send students into school with cash for payments.  Ensure you bring the correct money, as we do not hold cash in school to give change.


If you have any questions, you can email:


Orders must be made by completing the order form.

If you have any uniform that you no longer need, then please donate them to the school.


In particular, we are always looking for the following items:


*  PE/Games uniform in any sizes 

*  School jumpers 


Donated items should be clean and can be left at Reception.


Please provide chest and waist, and leg measurements if needed when ordering in either inches or centimetres.





  Girls Trousers (Blue)


  Boys Trousers (Black)




  Skirt (Blue)


  Games Shirt (Rugby Shirt)


  Boys & Girls Polo Top


  Fleece (non-games)


  Unisex Tracksuit Bottoms


  Games Fleece (zip)


  Training Top (zip)


  Girls Sports Leggings

  (Coes only)



  Girls Skort



  Unisex Shorts (Coes)



If you have any questions, please email: