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Farlingaye High School

Logo   Safeguarding at Farlingaye 

At Farlingaye High School, safeguarding is considered everyone’s responsibility.

All staff and volunteers are aware of their duty of care to keep children safe and to enable the best outcomes for them all.  We will work with social care, the police, health services and other services to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.


> Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
> The needs of the child are paramount.

> The need for help is identified early.

> Anyone with a concern for a child should make a referral.

 Key Contacts within the School:

Louise Gilmour Vicky Stuart Claire Hankers

Louise Gilmour

Deputy Headteacher

(Designated Safeguarding Lead/

Designated Teacher for Children in Care)

Vicky Stuart

Assistant Headteacher

(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Claire Hankers

Safeguarding Manager/Online Safety Lead

(Deputy Designated

Safeguarding Lead)

Debbie Newell

Sarah Harris 


Deborah Newell

Safeguarding Practitioner

(Deputy Designated

Safeguarding Lead)

Sarah Harris

Safeguarding Governor



Visitors to Farlingaye are expected to:


~ Sign in and out at Reception.

~ Wear a Visitors Badge, that is visible at all times.

~ Report any concerns to the Safeguarding team.


To view all of our Safeguarding policies in full, please visit:

In compliance with the Key Safeguarding Employment Standards, all members of staff, governors and volunteers will:


*  Be appropriately qualified.

*  Have the relevant employment history

*  Have the necessary checks carried out.

*  Have enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (DBS).

*  Have access to safeguarding training every year.

*  Be subject to safer recruitment questions at interview.

New NSPCC helpline - Report Abuse in Education


As you may have seen in the media recently, there is a new dedicated NSPCC helpline to support potential victims of sexual harassment and abuse in education settings, this helpline is now live and the number is 0800 136 663.


This dedicated helpline will offer support to:

  • all children and young people making current and non-recent disclosures of abuse
  • any children or young people who want to talk about being involved or witnessing any incidents
  • any adults who have experienced non-recent abuse
  • parents and carers who have any concerns about their own or other children
  • professionals who work in schools and need support in this or related issues



Please follow the links below for more information about the helpline and the Government's review launch:


Dedicated helpline for victims of sexual abuse in schools


Government press release


Link to Online Safety:


10 Ways to Keep Safe Online

Online Safety letters and resources for parents

Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children is defined as:


  • Protecting children from maltreatment.
  • Preventing impairment of children's mental health and physical health or development.
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


Working Together to Safeguard Children:


Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024) 


If you would like to discuss anything further or if you have any more questions, please do get in contact with the Safeguarding Team.

Numbers, Websites and Apps for you to access.  (To view please click the text).


Customer First (Children’s Services) 0808 800 4005


Suffolk Police:

Non-emergency number 101.

Report non urgent concerns online to Suffolk Constabulary through their online reporting tool -


Other Key Information:


Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership:


Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP):   Click CEOP Reporting