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Farlingaye High School


Important Information:

SENCO Mrs J Moore

PDF icon  FHS SEND OFFER - November 2024

PDF icon  SEND Information Report 2024-2025

For information about the Suffolk Parent Carer Network (SPCN), please click here.


We aim to be as flexible as possible whilst working within the constraints of the school timetable.  Support is provided by Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) as appropriate, and individual programmes are designed for students with more specific needs such as those on the autistic spectrum, with emotional needs or with a physical disability.  Support for literacy and numeracy difficulties are provided through small group work and a variety of individual targeted programmes.

Inclusion and the Disability Discrimination Act

The school is aware of its obligations regarding the DDA and every effort is made to ensure maximum inclusion of students with SEND through out their school life. Teachers provide appropriate learning opportunities, ensuring full access to the SEND Curriculum. All students are encouraged to take as full a part as possible in extra curricular activities and students with SEND are no exception. Learning Support Assistants accompany certain students with SEND on school trips ensuring their successful participation.

Admission Arrangements

The SENCO, in conjunction with the Lower School Coordinator, liaises with the partner primary schools. The purpose of this liaison is to identify students who will benefit from additional support at high school and ensure that successful and appropriate strategies are continued.

Liaison is also carried out with the Family Services Team and other outside agencies who advise on students with SEND both in the partner primary schools and in specialist Support Centres. The SENCO attends, when appropriate, the Year 6 review meetings of these students.

Parents of students with SEND often meet with the SENCO or Senior HLTA prior to transfer, and individual visits for students can also be arranged where appropriate. Parents can contact the SENCO through their primary school or by direct contact with Farlingaye High School office.

Physically Disabled students

Students with a physical disability who wish to attend Farlingaye are invited to visit the school with their parents and appropriate medical advisors. The particular needs and difficulties of each student are evaluated prior to admission to ensure a smooth transfer and a successful experience at the school.

Students with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Transfer for these students requires careful planning over time and for most this will involve an introduction to Farlingaye early on in Year 6 with additional visits to those normally planned. The school liaises closely with the primary schools, parents, the County Inclusive Support Services and the Family Support Services, to ensure as smooth a transfer as possible, at what can be a difficult time for these children.