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Farlingaye High School

Work Experience 2024-2025 Year 10

The work experience window for our current Year 10 students runs from January of Year 10 until October half term of Year 11.

On completion of the necessary paperwork we will authorise up to 5 days work experience.

  • We are asking parent/carers and students to, self-source their own placements independently.  Please take a look at the Opportunities for Work Experience page for ideas of employers.
  • Placements can be up to 5 days and can be taken from January 2025 until October half term of year 11 (23rd October 25)
  • Work experience can be taken in one block, or spread over a number of days – however it must be of sufficient length to allow students to gain an insight into the career.
  • Please avoid the following academic dates: 3rd – 28th March (Year 10 assessments) and w/c 30th June (mock interviews and careers conference).
Once the details and dates have been arranged with the employer, please complete the consent form with your child:
The Farlingaye attendance team can not authorise any work experience leave without completion of the work experience consent form. The work experience team will be in touch two weeks prior to the placement taking place.  Please give the work experience team as much notice as possible, to allow them time to make the necessary arrangements before the work experience commences.


To contact the work experience team,  Email: